Sunday, April 27, 2014

Pass Developing Microsoft Azure and Web Services (70-487) - Useful Links

Here is the link  to the mock exams. Follow the high voted ones unless you have time to go through all.
One or two questions' answers are wrong in the dump so you may need to go through users comments to find out the correct answer.
Following are some of the links I found researching the areas related to the questions in the dump. Hope these will save your time.

Microsoft Azure

Protocol Mapping

transport tag of wsHttpBinding tag

security tag of wsHttpBinding tag

Data Contract Attribute

HTTP Methods

EndPoint tag

sharedsecret tag


Input End Point

Partitioning (partition/row) key



Asynchronous Programming .NET Data Provider

Cache Item Policy

ADO.NET Entity Data Model Tools

URI Conventions

SQL Isolation levels , Understanding Isolation levels

WCF Message Patterns

WCF Instance management

Loading Related Entities

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Pass ASP.NET MVC 4 Web Applications Exam (70-486) - Useful Links

Here is the link to the mock exams. Follow the high voted ones. Make sure you look at the comments as some of the answers are wrong in the mock.

Here are some of the areas I research while studying the exam questions. Hope these links links will help you as well.

Media queries

require https atrribute

Isolating Code Under Test with Microsoft Fakes

shim types

assert methods

Session-State Modes

Bundling and Minification

Output Cache

Start a different Process

Data Contracts

Microsoft IdentityModel Claims

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Pass HTML5 and CSS3 Exam (70-480) - Useful Links

Main things you need to cover when studying for the exam.

  •     semantic structure,
  •     canvas, SVG, audio, video
  •     css selectors
  •     text shadow, text transform
  •     flexbox, grid
  •     transform, animations
I have followed the ExamCollection mock exams. Make sure you select the high voted exams unless you have time to try all . :) 

The following are some of the areas I had to search when doing the mock exam questions. Hope these links will help you as well.

XML HTTP Request


JS Inheritance

Child Reference JS


File reader


Css Style Sheets Priority Order

A Link Style Order Rules

Friday, June 1, 2012

Problem commiting the code

Recently I faced this problem of committing one of the source files which I edited. It was checked-out recently and hadn't done any changes by me before.
I used netbeans as the IDE and when I tried to commit it says the authentication failed and keep asking for the login again and again.
The using Tortoise SVN tried to commit the source file from the folder structure and still got this error message.

Commit failed (details follow):
Aborting commit: 'D:\level4\final year
project\Project\versionMay28\DHT\src\dhtserverclient\' remains in conflict

I put lot of time to figure out the error, but at the end it was some piece of cake.
In your google code it clearly says if you are a committer you need to checkout the source using https:// address. For non-members they can use http:// address and this is a read-only copy and you can't commit. My bad I didn't notice this before. So don't waste your time hereafter... :)

Friday, March 9, 2012

Finding Bad Smells in Code

Recently we did an assignment on finding bad smells in code. For this I and my colleagues found couple of tools which we can do this task. This was very useful when your source code is way too big as you don't have to go through each and every bit of code. So for the benefit of the people who is reading I would briefly mention the tools we have used and some references where you can get more information. keep in mind that all of these tools are only applicable for java source codes.

1.) Code bad Smell detector
As the blog describes this can detect five of the bad smells in a Java code. ( Data Clumps, Switch Statements, Speculative Generality, Message Chains, and Middle Man)
I integrated this to Netbeans and used it.
Following steps describes how to integrate this into netbeans.

-download the source files from here.
-open this source in netbeans. New Project -> Java -> Java Project with existing sources. (Here you can add the extracted source folder which you have downloaded to the project)
-add these jar files to the library folder (if you encounter runtime errors you can add the other jar files here apart from the listed below)
junit-4.4.jar , mysql-connector-java-5.0.4-bin.jar , recoder.jar , commons-httpclient-3.1.jar , commons-logging-1.1.1.jar , commons-codec-1.3.jar
-Go to project properties -> Run -> set the main class to "BadSmellDetector". 
-As arguments set these;
1st arg : give the source code path you want to find the bad smell
2nd arg : -x (for XML output) , -g (for JFrame)

2.) JDeodorant 
an eclipse plugin which can detect four types of bad smells in the code. (Feature Envy, Type Checking, Long Method and God Class) visit the site
-download the plugin from this site. 
-put the jar file to eclipse -> dropins -> plugin directory and start the eclipse and you are ready to go. 
-refer this video to get an idea how you can view each bad smell using this.
3.) Vanaraha
this is another eclipse plugin where you can detect the duplicate code. 
 visit the site to download the plugin.
Like I mentioned for JDeodorant you can 
Put the jar file to eclipse -> dropins -> plugin directory and start the eclipse and you are ready to go.

4.) FindBugs
this is another tool can be integrated to your favorite IDE. Some of my colleagues successfully integrated this to IDEA. And I tried implementing this to Netbeans. Here is a blog post written how to integrate the plugin to Netbeans 6.0. For some reason I couldn't integrate this to my version of netbeans (7.0.1).